Hello everyone!

๐Ÿ‘‹ As you may have read in the blog description, my name is Andrea Mora, I am a teacher of Physical Education, Hearing and Language and Therapeutic Pedagogy. Currently, I am studying the mention of English while I finish the master's degree in Educational Technology and Digital Competences.

๐ŸŽฏ In this little blog, I show you some of the resources that I have created with the aim of fostering all the linguistic skills of English as a second language.

๐Ÿ“To introduce the subject a bit, I have mainly dealt with animals, starting with a writing, where the students present their imagination through the elaboration of an essay about their favorite animal. 

๐Ÿ”Š Secondly, we find the story of "The Hare and The Tortoise" where we work on this story from an audio book to achieve listening skills.

๐Ÿ’ฌ On the other hand, for the speaking competition and in the same line of the animals, I have elaborated some flashcards to work the typical game "Guess who?", in such a way that we promote the initiative and personal autonomy, in addition to their creativity, expression oral and vocabulary acquisition.

๐Ÿ‘€ Finally, I conclude with a reading, a little further from the animal theme and we focus on an expository text of the Taj Mahal, where students will have to develop their reading comprehension to then be able to write the questions that are asked.

๐Ÿ“ŒAll activities created are suitable for all levels, you can always expand or reduce its complexity.

๐Ÿ’Œ I want to conclude with a personal assessment and thus begin your journey through my blog giving thanks to the previous training that I have obtained from the teacher, who has taught us many tools that have been worked on for the preparation of the material, as well as of the creation of the blog.

Without further ado, welcome to my little corner of English and I hope you enjoy it. ๐Ÿ˜‰



  1. Dear Andrea,
    I wanted to express how much I love your website! It's truly one of my favorites. The clarity, design, and use of emojis make it incredibly engaging. Congratulations on your outstanding work!
    I appreciate this About Me section, which adds your reliability, correctness, and linguistic accuracy as the author. The summary of activities in this post is also helpful in providing an overview of what we can expect to find on your website.
    I particularly enjoyed the use of different interactive materials you incorporated. As a teacher, it's valuable to discover new resources. For instance, posting the URL of Vocaroo in a Padlet is a fantastic idea that I'll be sure to implement too.
    Your post format is clear and easy to read. It's important to strike a balance between providing enough information and maintaining reader engagement, and your blog achieves that effectively.
    There are just a couple of things I think you could improve. Firstly, separate the labels in the editing section by adding commas to make them clearer and facilitate navigation. Secondly, consider changing the language settings on your blog to avoid mixing Spanish and English.
    Thank you once again for your incredible contributions!
    Best regards,

    1. Hello Sara, thank you very much for your contribution to my blog.
      I will take it into account when perfecting it.
      I am glad to know that it has been to your liking and I hope you enjoy it if you put it into practice in your class.


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