In this post you will find an activity to work reading's skill where you will find a descriptive text about the Taj Mahal, and in which, you will carry out an exhaustive and precise reading to choose all the details and be able to answer the questions that are posed in the file. 

Use the template created in Liveworksheet online, although you can also print it out and do it by hand. 


1º. First, read calmly and slowly to acquire the key concepts of the text.

2º Second, answer the questions posed below the text. You can answer in the template itself or enter the template and download it to fill it out manually.

3º Third, don't forget to hit the finish button to send the results and have them corrected, in order to get feedback on your activity.


  • Perform a comprehensive reading of the text to answer the questions.
  • Shows ability to detect the key concepts of the text.
  • Correctly expose answers according to the text showing appropriate vocabulary and writing.

When in doubt, I read you in comments.


References: own elaboration


  1. Hello Andrea!

    I loved the activity that you have proposed above! Like the rest of your blog, it is explained in a clear, accessible and visual way, and on top of that it is ideal to use with my ESL students. We are just now working on WH questions, and the questions you have written are perfect to practise them.

    Furthermore, the reading is short and clear, and as the LIVEWORKSHEETS tool you have used makes it an interactive activity, I'm sure my students will be more motivated to do the reading! I really support the use of this tool because it is easy to handle, and it gives the option for students to send the results directly to the teachers, which also makes it easier to correct the activities.

    Thank you very much for this post, and for your blog, I will definitely use it again when I prepare my ESL classes!

    Best regards, Sara.

  2. Good afternoon Sara! :)
    Thank you very much for your comment and your contributions.
    I am glad to know that they can be useful for your work as a teacher.
    I wish your students like it as much as you and me!
    All the best, Andrea.


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