In this post you will find an activity to work writing's skill where you will have to describe your favourite animal and you will have the opportunity to draw it and make it more real.

Show all your imagination and do not forget that you must include all possible adjectives, since the main content to work.

Use the template created in Liveworksheet online, although you can also print it out and do it by hand. 


1º. First, fill in your personal details.

2º. Second, read the statement carefully and underline the elements that you are asked to write.

3º.Third, fill in the spaces with your wording and explain a description of your favorite animal with adjectives. Also, in the box on the left, draw it for more imagination.

4º. Finally, press the "finished" button to finish the activity and send your results to the teacher, so he can correct it and offer you feedback.


  • Shows a written understanding of the statement.
  • Develop correct grammatical structures in writing.
  • Use wide and diverse vocabulary in writing.
  • Use different adjectives to enrich the description of the animal.
  • Correct spelling, punctuation, and text is displayed consistent with the topic.

When in doubt, I read you in comments.


Reference: Own elaboration
